Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Just for folks staying Downtown for the June Mega.

I am curious who will be staying Downtown for the Mega in June and where they will be staying.

If you know, please post same.

We will be at the Golden Nugget.

Just for folks staying Downtown for the June Mega.

Sorry CHI, I didn%26#39;t see your post. I posted the same thing. Great minds think alike. I need to see dates in print.

T and I are staying at 4Q from June 17-25. I hope you and your lady will join us in the Stretch Hummer ride from DT to the M%26amp;G (if we come up with 16 people)


Just for folks staying Downtown for the June Mega.

If I can make it, and I think I will, I%26#39;ll be staying at the Cortez

As you already know, I will be at El Cortez Mon. 23rd thru Thurs. 26th. I am psyched!!!

I%26#39;m there Saturday and Sunday, 21st and 22nd. Right now I%26#39;m set for the Vegas Club but that may change.

We are looking at arriving on Sunday on the crack of dawn flight and staying until no later than Saturday so we will have Sunday to detox. We are looking at airfares and will then reach out to PA at the GN for the room.

The stretch Hunmmer sounds fine.

Ok keep it coming.

Names dates and places only please.

Golden Nuggett 6/20 (Friday) to Monday or Tues then moving to the Flamingo.

As of right now, I%26#39;m at the Plaza June 18 %26amp; 19th for my Bingo Fest (please no ';Yuk, spit, blechhh posts...

I can%26#39;t walk long distances and want to play Bingo here non stop for a couple days) But.. I MIGHT change my mind and move to the El Cortez. I really would like to spend time there as well.

AND at the Fitz from June 20th-25th.


Even if you have still not committed to an exact date or place, just tell us what you hope to do.

MSS or GN here. Still unsure about the dates....most likely 21st or 22nd until the 26th.

  • chapped lips
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