Thursday, April 19, 2012

Comp Abbreviations (TDK) from Bellagio

I wanted to make spa reservations at Bellagio and realized my host did not give me my reservation number and he was gone for the night. I called the players club and received it from them. Anyway, while on the phone I asked what kind of room I was booked for and she said TDK. Does anyone know comp talk鈼?. My host if off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and this will drive me bananas for the next few days. I am thinking it has to be some kind of abbreviation but not sure. If it helps I am RFB.


Comp Abbreviations (TDK) from Bellagio

Tower deluxe king?

Comp Abbreviations (TDK) from Bellagio

Tower Deluxe King

you called once - why not call again?

That is entirely the poster%26#39;s personal decision...don%26#39;t you think!!!!

I think Ilovelucy received her answer much quicker this way!

c%26#39;mon now you need to tell this low low low your boat gambler what RFB means.

Thanks everyone for the replies they are appreciated. When I asked the CS what it meant she was not sure, so that is why I asked here. Yes it was much quicker then calling and asking someone else who may not know.

catburd: Perhaps you should re-read my post on what I was asking?

I don%26#39;t think rereading your post would help Catburd at all.

RFB is Room/Food/Beverage, in other words all comped (which means free because they gamble a lot).

Thanks warmwinds. I did re-read the post and still had no clue.

Hey guys we all love Vegas but are not all at the highest levels where we have a host........but I can wish can%26#39;t I?



I hear you Catburd. But I still believe that most of these people pay more than they recieve. I love to Gamble, but Vegas has more than that for me.


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